Creative Product Content Producer

Working at Square in a dual role of motion production designer and creative product content producer. The demand generation team pumps out a lot of video ads (230+ videos a quarter). There are a lot of moving parts that go into making these videos and a creative product content producer plays a big role in them. From making the screen content match the environment the device is being used in, to making sure talent on set is interacting with the device correctly, and making sure the right screen is placed in the right device at the right moment in post.

Since Square has many different products (software) that can run all from one device, we can capture one moment using a device and then repurpose that shot to be used in a different video for a whole other product. I came up with a template to place markers on devices so there wouldn’t be much time training talent where to tap on devices and so one tap would be mapped out so that same tap can be used for multiple products saving us from capturing many different moments for each product. Markers will be marked with numbers if there were an order to taps on the screens. Saving time with fewer retakes and being able to gain time to capture other shots. Can also send these templates ahead of time before the shoot to the agency to have them place the markers on the devices saving even more time.

Streaming TV 2021 Spot

Streaming TV 2021 Spot

Retail 15 Second Spot

Square Stand Spot


Marvel Strike Force

